8 Days A Week

May 18, 2008
by:   Tim Stanley

The physical amount of time spent on a task is not the same as the calendar time that it takes to complete the task. This is especially true when teams are working on multiple tasks. Project managers need to understand this when planning and getting estimates from a development team.

How does a 3 day task turn into 8 calendar days?

  1. 2 hours spent on understanding the requirements.
  2. 2 hours spend on analysis - Analysis complete
  3. 4 hours spent on design - Design complete
  4. 6 hours spent on development
  5. 9 hours spent on development
  6. 7 hours spent on development -Developer says it's done
  7. 2 hours testing / fixing issues - Unit Test complete
  8. 2 hours testing / fixing issues - System Test complete


  • Time developer estimated: 3 days
  • Time developer says it took: 3.5 days.
  • Actual physical time spent: 34 hours or 4.25 days
  • Actual elapsed calendar time: 8 days

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