Category web-development - Tim Stanley

How To Install a Web Application for a Site with a Specific Port

Apr 10, 2007

MSI installation projects created in Visual Studio 2003 allowed the setting of a PORT value. This port value would be used to search the IIS sites and install the web application by default on the first site that corresponded to the specific port.

Users migrating from Visual Studio 2003 to Visual Studio 2005 have found that support for the PORT property has been removed and there are few technical options available to solve this problem.

This article outlines how using Visual Studio 2005 SP1 and a command line and MSI custom actions to install a web application on a site configured for a specific port.

After an update to VS 2008, I see no options that resolves this in VS 2008 either.


How To Get The Optimal Web Page Layout

Feb 14, 2007

If you are creating a web site with a consistent layout, there are a few very critical decisions that you must make now. If you don't make them correctly, and you want to change the layout in the future, you'll likely have to modify the design on all the pages on your web site.

Experience teaches you which decisions you have to make now that matter and which decisions you can postpone. This article shares some of the experiences I've learned and hopefully how to avoid some of the headaches of having to change the design for all pages on a site.


How To Enable HTM Server Side Include Parsing in IIS

Feb 12, 2006

In order to make web sites manageable, using some sort of include file processing is usually used. IIS is configured to support include processing (Server Side Includes or SSI) for ASP, ASP.NET, .SHTM and .SHTML files, but it is not configured by default to process include files on .HTML or .HTM files. This article is a summary of how to configure IIS to support include processing for those file types.
