Using Cache And Compression For Performance
Most browsers and servers have default values that provide fairly good performance with a minimum caching of static file content. A little bit of coaxing can result in better performance with less traffic and less bandwidth.
There are two types of caching I discuss: static content (*.JPG, *.JPEG, *.png, *.gif, *.ico) rarely updated and semi-static content (*.js, *.css) updated very infrequently. The decision to cache page output (*.aspx, *.html, *.htm) long term is too dependent on application functionality decisions to discuss generically. More...
HTML And CSS Developer Tools
Despite the best developer tools, sometimes having the ability to see what the browser sees can be invaluable in troubleshooting a CSS layout issue, or a performance or load issue. Firebug, Fiddler and the IE Developer toolbar are supposed to help see the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that the browser sees.
Comparison of Firebug and the IE Toolbar features. More...