Site Info

A summary of all the tools, technologies, and systems used to hold this site together. This site is a live work in progress. I use it to test out new technologies, tools and approaches before using them in a production environment for customers or clients. Not all new approaches make the cut.
Site First Started: February 12, 2006.
Site First Went Public: October 8, 2007.
Site Ported to Azure: October 28, 2022.
Site Ported to .Net 7: November 18. 2022.
Site Ported to .Net 8: November 15. 2023.
Site Platform
- Microsoft Azure App hosted on Linux
- ASP.NET Core
- .Net 8
- Visual Studio 2022
- C#
- CSS3
- Bootstrap v5.1.0
Site Details
The site is a custom site developed in ASP.Net Core, .Net 7. It was a port (or rewrite) from the 2010 Era Blog Platform. of the techniques were inspired by others.
Below is a list of those who inspired the code base for this current site:
- Mads Kristensen
- MiniBlog.Core
- HTML Agility Pack
- Custom Control for Flickr Slide Show - via Paul Stamatiou
- Markdig markdown to html library.