Category web-development - Tim Stanley

Features, Flags, Updates And Branches

Dec 03, 2009

Version control systems are wonderful tools and terrible tools all depending on the process used to manage the files stored in them.  They allow tracking changes, updates, reversing updates, comparing to older updates, and creating multiple branches and variations of files ad-infinitum.  What are good rules to keep good tools from going bad?More...

Date And Time Tracking in .Net

Sep 28, 2009

Getting the right date and time sounds simple enough, but when you look at a few interesting scenarios with multiple teams coordinating actions across multiple time zones with multiple clients and servers, designing for the date and time for a given event becomes complicated very quickly.  I’d like to share an some approaches that I think work well in .Net.More...

960 Grid Templates for Expression Design 2

Aug 06, 2009

Leveraging Nathan Smith's, I’ve created some 960 grid templates for Expression Design 2.  Included in the zip file are design templates for the 12 column and 16 column formats. (488.48 kb)


960 12 Column Template

960 16 Column Template

Secure Data

Jun 16, 2009

Data Storage by Ian S Given the high profile nature of identity theft and security breaches, there are many laws, policies, and guidelines that companies are using to classify and manage the information technology systems in a secure manner.  What exactly is secure data and how should it be handled?More...

Pretty URLs And IIS6

May 12, 2009

IIS7 can support pages without extensions without administrator configuration settings. IIS6 can also support  URLs without extensions, but it requires an administrator setting. Here's a tip on how to configure IIS6 to support URLs without extensions.More...

Pretty URLs And IIS7 Authentication

May 11, 2009

One side effect of using Pretty URLs in IIS7 is that IIS7 doesn’t authenticate these URLs because they don’t have the .aspx file extension.  Here is a quick tip on how to fix it. More...

Pretty Good URLs

Mar 13, 2009

With a little forethought and planning, it’s possible to create URLs that can be around the web for a long time and as Tim Berners-Lee pointed out cool URIs don't change.  Choose wisely though, you may have to live with the URLs for much longer than you think, or if your not careful, you may end up with too many URLs pointing to the same content. More...