Tagged visual-studio - Tim Stanley

Multi Post User Control

Mar 11, 2009

Trailing on the lead from Chris Blankenship and his singlepost user control, I created a multi-post user control.  I’ve never been quite satisfied with the results of the recent posts control and Chris’s control filled in enough gaps for me to pursue this further. More...

How To Restart ASP.Net Applications

Feb 23, 2009

Many times, from an administration perspective, it's desirable to restart an ASP.NET web site without restarting IIS on the whole server. More...

Silverlight 2.0 Released

Oct 15, 2008

On October 14, 2008, Microsoft released Silverlight 2.0, the cross-platform browser plug-in for both Macintosh and PC platforms.

Silverlight includes several Rich Internet Application (RIA) features, including:

  • WPF UI Framework
  • Rich Controls
  • Rich  Networking Support
  • Rich Base Class Library More...

Using Cache And Compression For Performance

Sep 24, 2008

Most browsers and servers have default values that provide fairly good performance with a minimum caching of static file content.  A little bit of coaxing can result in better performance with less traffic and less bandwidth.

There are two types of caching I discuss: static content  (*.JPG, *.JPEG, *.png, *.gif, *.ico) rarely updated and semi-static content (*.js, *.css) updated very infrequently.  The decision to cache page output (*.aspx, *.html, *.htm) long term is too dependent on application functionality decisions to discuss generically. More...

Source Control Tools

Aug 06, 2008

H.O. Studley Tool Chest

The limitations of your tools are your limitations. Choose your tools wisely. More...

ASP.Net Cached XML File Settings

Apr 15, 2008

How to use ASP.Net Cache settings to automatically read and update values from an XML file when the file is updated, and how to lookup a value in the XML file.

.Net surprises me every day.  I think about how I want to do things and then I dig a little (some time a lot) into .Net components and viola, I find it provides some new interesting functionality that I didn't know about before. 

I recently wanted to implement some features for using configuration values for an ASP.NET application.  My requirements were as follows. More...