Tagged software-development - Tim Stanley

Macbook Pro M2 Limitations for Development

Oct 31, 2023

I recently updated from a 2018 MacBook Pro Intel i9 to a 2023 MacBook Pro M2 Max. The primary reason; faster compilation times. So how much faster is the new MacBook Pro M2 Max than the older machine: 50-80% faster in compile times.

Most of the OSX applications worked without any issues at all, but there were some limitations of the M2 that are not widely documented. There were several Visual Studio limitations on Windows 11 ARM under parallels. This is a summary of the limitations and issues I found. More...

Building an Azure Dev Test Lab - Why Azure

Jan 10, 2023

This is part of a series on Building an Azure Dev Test Lab for software development.

What is Azure and why use it?More...

Building an Azure Dev Test Lab Series

Sep 17, 2022

Microsoft has a very large quantity of documentation on Azure. But most of those articles are focused on new large-scale production scenarios or migrating existing production scenarios to Azure. For a software development firm that is looking only to leverage Azure for software development and testing, and not expose public web services to the internet, where does one start?More...

Use HostingEnvironment.MapPath

Jun 25, 2010

When running a service under IIS, the HttpContext.Current object is not available, so HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath will fail.

fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(fileName);

The solution is to use Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath instead.

fileName = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(fileName);

Features, Flags, Updates And Branches

Dec 03, 2009

Version control systems are wonderful tools and terrible tools all depending on the process used to manage the files stored in them.  They allow tracking changes, updates, reversing updates, comparing to older updates, and creating multiple branches and variations of files ad-infinitum.  What are good rules to keep good tools from going bad?More...

Source Control Tools

Aug 06, 2008

H.O. Studley Tool Chest

The limitations of your tools are your limitations. Choose your tools wisely. More...

Best Company Ever Award Invitation

Mar 17, 2008

For the last two and a half years, I've been working on helping Target corporation with a project to bring a dashboard reporting application to work on a mobile device.  The project has been well received and so popular among store managers, that it's won an award within Target. Not just any award, but the Best Company Ever Award. It feels like winning an Oscar. More...